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The best way to start your Sunday.

Open the windows, let the sun get in.

What a better way to have a clean bedroom filling with light and calm? Take a little time to reflect the day and breath deep before you start your day. Slow down. Breakfast time is crucial to start the day. Most of us prefer coffee, another healthy solution is matcha latte. You can also use a bit of almond milk to make it taste better. Mental clarity.

If your previous week was stressful and hectic, what a better way to start your day with a gratitude list? Two to three things that make you feel blessed and happy, will make you feel more down to earth and make you appreciate what you have already. You may also journal and check about your feelings. Setting goals.

A new week is ahead. What I love is to reflect what the previous week has taught me and what I can change in the new week ahead. You may set one goal or more, but I suggest small steps so you will not feel overwhelmed. What’s your best way to start your Sunday? let me know in the comments.

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