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S E L F - L O V E

Self-love is so empowering word. Most of us don’t know how to love ourselves at time to times. Have you found yourself many times asking if you’re doing the wrong decisions? I’m sure I have. The most difficult part of ourselves is to create a balance between the external and the internal world. Not only our environment but also our society create the image that we have. Some of us are fearing to express our feelings and what we think about our opinions. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed here are some tips that may be helpful for you: 1. affirmations.  Use your own affirmations. Yes, you’ ve heard very well. Write down one to three sentences that may cheer you up and make you feel fabulous during the day. This will be different according to everyone’s needs, but if you don’t try, you'll never know.  2. meditate or pray.  Whatever works for you best. Take some time during the day to appreciate yourself, to thank God or universe for the person that you are today, with your flows and your positive things. A good way to do that is to shit somewhere comfortable, with silence and create a good corner, where you will be all by yourself protected by all the other instructions. As soon as you will be comfortable, it’s time to express gratitude and feel all the love for what is you, your total being which is so unique. It may take a few moments or an hour long, depending of the level that you are performing and how well you can concentrate. 3. Nourish your body and your soul. Hydration and a good nutrition is always better that fast food and bad sleep. Try to cook as healthy as possible, even three times a week at the beginning. This will give you energy, strength and also will boost your mood. Each time you cook you will think that you take care of yourself, with the best way you can. An action of self-love will be reading books, or listening to a podcast. Educating yourself will never prove you wrong. Learning something you will give you inspiration and knowledge that will make you change for better. 4. take a break.  If you’re feeling that your life became hectic and you cannot cope anymore, yes two or three days will make a huge difference. You may go somewhere near where you live, abroad or even create your home into a hotel. It might sound weird but you can take a day off by doing nothing, take a great bath, order something good and enjoy the night at your balcony with a glass of wine, being thankful for what you are. At the end of the day everyone wants to feel loved and feel connected with themselves. Step by step you can make small changes on your daily routine and feel the difference. Don’t be hard on yourself but accept who you are and try to be the best version of you. I'd like to learn what are your favorite things of self-love.

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